Apex’s vision and mission is to create guaranteed measured value for all its clients. To deliver on this guarantee Apex has developed breakthrough science, implemented the science in proprietary technology and created a mission oriented team, culture and processes.
In one of the first applications of Science and solution set to Price Optimization for Subscription Renewal Revenue where the renewal price is optimized at an individual level, The Street was thrilled to see the impact Apex’s price optimization models made in real life.
In our renewal revenue subscription pilot with TheStreet, a media company we delivered outstanding value, their Executive Director of Marketing Jill Marchisotto says "Over the last two months for all the products," said Marchisotto , "renewal rate is up two points versus control. And our average price is up more than 20% using the pricing model."
Chart below is the results of the control vs. test conducted by TheStreet on five of their premium products. In the chart below the red line is the revenue renewal rate for the test subscribers and the blue line is the rate for the control.
The Street has seen a large uptick in YOY revenue, conversion rate and average price since starting to work with Apex.
How does the Guarantee and Apex Pricing work?
Apex charges NO upfront fee to build custom models for pricing for the client’s business objective based on their unique business environment, historical data availability and operational requirements.
Once the pilot goes live Apex charges based on the impact created.